Time Passes Quickly

Hard to believe I’ve been with The Firm for a year. It has been so quick! My one-year review is this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. I know it’ll be a good review, but I still hate sitting through them.

The good news is that it means my paychecks will get a bit bigger. Not as big as my friend Amy (who just got a whoppping 14% raise!!!), but anything would be nice at this point – even 3%. And there’s a rumor that some employees get bonuses on their anniversary dates, but only one person has told me that, so I’m not sure and won’t be expecting one. Especially since I get those little gift cards and cash throughout the year.

But anyway, I am happy to report that I love this job, and have since day one. Mr. BIL is awesome, as are my other co-workers. I still occasionally get that feeling of, “Wow, I’d love to NOT work anymore,” but they are rare since my job is pretty much a dream job.