First Day On The Job…And At Daycare

Well, I’m over halfway through my first day on the job at The Firm (sorry, freaks, no Tom Cruise at this Firm). Legal firms are SO completely different from corporations. There will be a lot to get used to, but so far everyone here is as nice as the folks were at The Company. One of the paralegals took me to lunch, which was nice because I was able to pick her brain about the layout of the job. Thing that made me laugh the hardest: The office bathroom has HAIR PRODUCTS in there. If there is one thing Southern women care about, it’s the perfect coif.

My commute this morning was a dream – I think it’s going to be about 30 minutes. This morning was different because Denis and I took the kids to daycare and got them settled in and then I had to fill up my gas tank. But even with those two lengthy stops (15 minutes for daycare, 10 minutes getting gas) I made it here in less than an hour.

Finding daycare wasn’t as hard as we thought, and we were able to find one that is $160/mo cheaper than the place we used in NoNJ. The facility had a good vibe, if still a “country” vibe. But CootieBoy moved right on in to his classroom without looking back and when we left CootieGirl she was quietly playing by herself but didn’t seem concerned about that. I predict she’ll have a lot of stories to tell me when she gets home.

Six more days and we finally have internet and cable tv in the apartment…

04 comments on “First Day On The Job…And At Daycare

  • Beckik , Direct link to comment

    As a paralegal who has worked at single attorney firm to a 35 + attorney firm and have recently settled into a 6 attorney firm, I finally think I’m comfortable. What type of work does The Firm do?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Beckik – this firm does a little bit of everything. It has it’s hand in at least 10-12 different types of law.

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Funny, but not surprising! I just came back from a trip “down south” and can confirm that big hair lives!

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