Mostly Behaving

The kids are mostly behaving today while I’m doing the Blogathon. I think they are getting bored though. They have been bickering all morning and CootieBoy just threw a shoe at CootieGirl. And just before that they were wrestling under the coffee table and he pulled her hair. Ah, life with preschoolers.

I tried to film CootieBoy singing one of the songs from “An American Tail”, which is a movie he loves. Every night when I put him to bed we sing a quick chorus from “Somewhere Out There” and he’s so cute when he sings it since he doesn’t enunciate all the words. I’ll see if I can sneak-record some video of it to post later today.

I managed to make a 32 fl oz glass of chocolate milk and down some Utz potato chips. That is the only sustenance I’ve had today. If I can find the time I plan on making a dutch baby pancake for myself.