
The Old Company in NYC let me do the NCAA pool and were into it, but that was about it.

The Company in NoNJ was into it – including tickets for clients (which ended up being Regionals tickets for me and my dad when two clients backed out at the last minute). However, pools were frowned upon by Corporate, and therefore done in the shadows.

But The Firm? Not only are they into it, but 1/4 of our attorneys are at the games in Winston-Salem and another handful are sitting in our war room watching the games on the big screen. NO WORK is being done in our office today.


08 comments on “Differences

  • jen , Direct link to comment


    Meanwhile there’s a huge link on our agency homepage explaining that March Madness video sare blocked.

  • Uncle Bill , Direct link to comment

    If God isn’t a Tarheel, why is the sky Carolina blue? (From an old bumper sticker.)

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Ace turns green with envy….

    In other news, Its snowing here and I am sure you are living it up in the sun and fun in SC. 🙁

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Ace – it’s actually rainy here today, but it’s still in the 60s, from what I saw on the news this morning.

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