“You’re The Christmas House Lady!”

A couple nights ago I was at the hair salon getting a haircut and talking with my stylist. We were catching up since I’m in the process of growing out my short hair and hadn’t seen him for a good 3-4 months. During a lull in the conversation, the stylist at the next station said to my guy, “My client knows your client.” I turned my chair around and looked at the client and felt horrible because I had no idea who this woman was.

As I cast about in my brain, attempting to put a face to a place, she said, “I know you! You are the lady with the Christmas house!” I looked at my hair guy with a smile. We had just been talking about Christmas (he and his partner come to our annual White Elephant party).

Does she live in the neighborhood? I thought. Is she the parent of one of my kids’ friends?

And then she told me how she knew about the house. “I did the Christmas focus group talk with you. I sat next to you!”

OH! Of course! No wonder I didn’t recognize her – the whole two hours we were there, I only saw her profile because she literally sat right next to me at the roundtable discussion. She then proceeded to tell the exact story I had just finished telling Hair Guy: I went last and after hearing all the classy descriptions I said, “It’s about to get trashy up in here, y’all!” My hair guy laughed and said, “Jaynee JUST told me that story a few minutes ago!”

We had a good laugh about it, talked about our love of Christmas for a few minutes, and then haircutting resumed. As I left, I wrote my address down and handed it to the woman, inviting her to come see the decorations (but warned her it wouldn’t be anything like the pictures she saw since we’re going a bit minimal again this year). She was so excited and said she’d definitely being her family by and couldn’t wait.

See, Christmas is awesome, y’all.