Won’t Be A Perfect Day…But Close

Mr. BIL is out today. Actually, he’s due in around 4 p.m. He left behind a bunch of copying, dictation and filing to do. Oh joy.

As soon as I’m done typing this post I’ll get to work on the filing – if I get that done my desk will be cleaned up considerably.

A new admin started today – one of the women upstairs quit to focus on horse riding competitions and horse breeding. The new admin is tall, blonde and pretty – exactly what the attorney likes. He’s an older attorney – at least in his 70s, so it’s not surprising that he has such a sexist old school opinion on admins. Par for the course, unfortunately. It sucks for his OTHER admin, who says she’s the “workhorse” while the other admin is the “thoroughbred.” She said it with a laugh, but it still stinks.

Blondie Boss is here today, but hopefully won’t have much for me to do today so I can concentrate on the stuff Mr. BIL gave me.

Okay – I’m off to file. Later!