When Children Refuse To Sleep, We All Suffer

CootieGirl had an all-nighter last night. She went to bed well for Denis last night, and around midnight woke up coughing. Denis got her a glass of water and then let her into our bed because she didn’t want to sleep in her own bed.

Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with this, but last night CG decided that midnight was the perfect time for a chat. No amount of asking her to be quiet would help. She finally got quiet around 1 a.m. and laid down next to me so close she was practically my second skin. I said, “CG, get on your own pillow,” and then fell asleep. Woke up a few minutes later to find CG sitting up at the foot of the bed, quietly crying. “What’s the matter?” I asked, and she whimpered, “I just wanted to sleep next to you.”

I had her come back to the top of the bed and cuddled her for a minute to calm her down. I eventually passed out again but woke up not too much later with her feet pressed firmly into my side, her head over against Denis’ back.

At this point is was past 2 a.m. and I couldn’t take it anymore. I got up and went downstairs to get a drink. CG freaked out and tried to follow me, but I ordered her back to bed. When I came back upstairs, instead of going to my own bed, I went into her room and laid down. Sure enough, moments later she was at my side, kissing my cheek and attempting to chat. I said, “CG, I’m serious. Now is the time for SLEEPING, not TALKING.”

“I want to sleep with you,” she chirped, climbing over me to get on her usual side of her bed.

Then she giggled. “Mama.”


“I touched your butt.”

“Yes, I know. Now go to sleep.”

“Ok, Mama!”

I passed out a few minutes later but woke up when she crawled out of bed to go back to my own wonderfully comfortable King-sized bed in the master bedroom. It didn’t last long, and she came back to her room, knocking loudly on the door to announce her presence before getting back into bed again.

This went on until 3 a.m. I know this because that’s what time I got up to blow my nose (I have lovely post-nasal drip going on right now).

At long last I passed out and no amount of chatter or room bouncing was going to wake me. I did wake up at 7:20 a.m. and CG was NOT in the bed – she was in the master bedroom, where she had finally passed out at some point between 3 a.m. and 7:20 a.m.

Out of spite (yes, I’ll admit it), when it was time to wake her up, I pulled a trick out of the ‘Two Princes’ routine from this past seasons “SYTYCD” and got into CG’s face with the clapping (see clip – at about 0:42).

Some may call that mean, but I call it a taste of her own medicine. Denis got into it too, because in addition to the clapping we also made obnoxious siren sounds while we clapped for a good 60 seconds. CootieBoy thought it was hilarious and kept asking me to “do it agay-yun, Mama!” I happily obliged.

Fortunately, CG thought it was funny to and when she finally opened her eyes she started laughing.

02 comments on “When Children Refuse To Sleep, We All Suffer

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Great little story.. had me rolling the whole time… however, “AGAYYUN… ” Ouch, is that a country twang I read in his voice?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Only when he says words like that, but yes, it’s the beginning of a southern accent. šŸ™‚

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