What’s Your GreenIQ?

I admit I’m not the most eco-friendly person on the planet. I drive to work by myself every day, I don’t always remember to turn off the running water while I’m brushing my teeth, and I don’t buy anything organic.

So I was very surprised when I took the GreenIQ- How Green Are You? quiz and scored a 50%. This is what it had to say about my GreenIQ:

Despite the fact that you scored just under or just over 50%, you have a relatively high GreenIQ. This means that you are very aware of your lifestyle and how it affects the planet, you also are working on reducing your carbon emissions through your transportation choices and home environment. But that doesn’t mean that you are even close to perfect or carbon neutral. You still have room for improvement. Our product suggestions and tips can help you increase your GreenIQ and even further reduce your carbon emissions.

It then gave me some recommendations on products that would enable me to be a bit more green – organic makeup, local grown food, or recycling programs, for instance.

I’ve been open about the fact that when Denis and I go to build a house in a few years that I want to be as green as possible from every standpoint of the construction. So I suppose in addition to that I need to be more conscious of my daily actions as well.

I’m not a greenie – I think a lot of the folks who are big-time greenies (hello, Al Gore!) are freaks – what with the whole global warming thing and all that (which I do NOT subscribe to in the slightest). But I do want to lessen my impact where I can.

What about you? Take the quiz – I’d be curious to know what kind of scores others out there get – from you greenies who compost your own waste to the super-consumer who doesn’t do anything “for the environment.”

04 comments on “What’s Your GreenIQ?

  • Cristan , Direct link to comment

    I scored a 57 – we did take 3 flights, but I guess we offset that by using busses once we were at our destination. Also, some of my moisturizers are Arbonne, and I use Method dishwashing soap. ($$$ – maybe this will flag more product placements for you!)

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    I scroed a 40%. I am sure I would do better in the Spring Months since I always walk and I do live over an hour from work and drive every day alone. Meh. What can you do. I recycle now, which I never did in the past. I wash full loads of everything and I only use paper products on occasion. Since I moved I have to shop at the Grocery Store instead of Whole Foods now and believe me, I miss it more than one could ever know.

  • Denis , Direct link to comment

    I scored a 42%. What are you doing at home that I’m not doing? I’m the one that shuts the lights off in empty rooms. LOL

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