What Happened to the Traffic?

This morning as I was getting ready for work, the local news channel showed a camera shot of I-77 which is my route to work. She showed one particular pesky exit where traffic always backs up and said, “Wow – look at that backup! You might want to give yourselves a few extra minutes this morning to get through this if you are coming north into Charlotte.” I saw that cars were moving slowly, but she then claimed cars were at a “dead stop.”

Taking heed of her warning, I left 10 minutes early.
And got to work 15 minutes early.

Because there was NO traffic when I got there fifteen minutes after her dire announcement. In fact, there was less traffic than usual, thus my ability to do the drive five minutes faster than most mornings.


The good thing about getting here early is that I was able to do a quick filing project that has been languishing because I just never had time.

05 comments on “What Happened to the Traffic?

  • Miss Lydia , Direct link to comment

    Just want you to know that I read with GREAT interest about. . . traffic, neighbors, weather, churches. . .you know why, right?? 🙂

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Funny, our traffic report said “heavy but steady” all the way to work.
    Reality: DEAD STOP most of the way in. Why: State Police had someone
    pulled for a HOV violation and everyone wanted to see!! I hate traffic!

    Okay, that’s a whole bunch of commenting for me this week. [backs into

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    *lol* Bev! No! Stay! Comment away! Do you mean to tell me I’ll only hear from you every January???

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Um, usually I don’t have much to say, but I always READ!
    Yep, living vicariously through others, that’s me! *lol*

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