What A Wasted Day

This is the week that Mr. BIL is out of the office at a training session. I’m on my own, which you would think would make for an easy pre-vacation week. Especially with me working 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. every night this week (which was AWESOME this morning, by the way).

However, I arrived to find a HUGE stack of folders on my desk, including a 30-minute long mess of a tape providing instructions on what to do. I started the tape around 10:30 a.m. and only got done about twenty minutes ago. The bulk of the tape had to do with a client whose folders were in complete disarray. Mr. BIL was attempting to instruct me on how to organize it – ordering updated file folders, culling out the documents into chronological order, etc. Then I get to the end – after doing all the things he had asked me to do for this particular client – when he suddenly says on the tape, “You know what? Disregard all this for Mr. Client – we’ll talk about it when I get in the office tonight.”

I think the word ‘furious’ comes to mind.