We left a little late but we ar officially on the road to Disney! We were going to leave t 8:00 am but left more like 9:00. My mom is riding with us to keep the kids occupied (right now they are watching “Star Wars” (Denis is so proud). Everyone else left on time at 8:00, but I know we’ll catch up because we’re driving faster.
We did end up getting a housesitter for the whole week. It turns out she did not go on a mission trip like she thought she would, so she’s around all week. Yay!!!
We took the laptop with us so you will hear all the stories we have to tell!
Hope your family has a blast at the House of Mouse. Looking forward to reading your trip stories!
Julies last blog post..Dirty Dog
It’s finally here! yay. Have so much fun and I hope everything goes smoothly.
Danielles last blog post..Starting off May
Hope you have a wonderful trip, on your National Lampoon’s Disney World vacation!
You MUST post pictures from Denis’ magic camera!