Well, It’s a “Day”

Interesting day today. Feels like autumn because it’s a nice cool cloudy day (about 79 degrees is the project high – amazing that I now consider 79 degrees to be “cool”). It’s practically SWEATER WEATHER!

This morning Mr. BIL and I had a fire drill over a client who had executed a trust that had some very important missing language in it. Mr. BIL and I apparently got our wires crossed while making the final edits, and I deleted a bit too much language. He didn’t bother checking behind me because they were supposed to be really basic deletions. Anyway, this morning he spend a good hour working up the courage to call the client once we figured out what had happened and once he did it all went well – the client was okay about it and didn’t cause a ruckus. So we’re sending out new drafts and hope to get the client in here on Monday to execute the new draft with the proper language!

I’ve also managed to clear my desk of a couple tasks and a few dictation transcriptions. So it really has been a fast, busy morning – which is great considering a couple days ago I experienced the LONGEST DAY EVER.

I’m about to head out and get some lunch and read my book for a while. The great news for today? Mr. BIL has an appointment off-site at 6 p.m. which means I KNOW I’ll be out of here on time tonight! WOO HOO!!! Which reminds me, I need to tell him today that next week from Monday – Thursday I’ll need to leave no later than 5:40 p.m. each day to pick up the kids while Denis is partying it up in Vegas under the guise of “work.”

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