So last night I was up until about 1:20 a.m. trying to figure out how to get my backup.pst file that I created before I left my old company to import into Outlook so that I could then sync the information back to my PDA. I tried everything in my power to get that PST file to work, to no avail.
Then I remembered today that I had a CSV file from when I exported my Outlook contacts to Gmail in May or June. Denis found it on a disk and was able to import it into Outlook. Tonight I’ll sync that info back to my PDA.
The sad part is that I didn’t associate the NOTES field from Outlook when I did the export, so I did lose some vital information that I kept in Denis’ contact info. I also lost a couple contacts that I created in late June and July. But 90% returned is better than 0% returned!
I thought the PST could be imported into outlook pretty easily. I seem to remember doing that, but I admit it was a while ago and I don’t really remember exactly HOW I did that.
Choose Another Program or file then Next
Scroll down to Personal Folder File (PST), highlight, then Next
Select the file.
Answer the questions.
That should import the PST. Did you also save a PAB?
Dad, surely you know that I’m fond enough of Microsoft to know how to import a PST.
I tried all three ways it’s possible and nothing worked. :banghead:
However, the CSV file I also saved worked perfectly and I now have 95% of my contacts info back. The CSV file was saved in May so I am missing a couple of contacts, but that’s better than missing all of them!
There is nothing particularly difficult about importing a PST. The only thing I can think of is that it is corrupt somehow.
If you would describe what happens when you attempt to import it, maybe we can give you a hand.