So we’re running out of byte space here at the old Cootiehog place. We have used 112M and have about 13M remaining. That’s not a lot. Of course, it doesn’t help that we are photo posting crazies. The pictures are small (avg: 16K) but plentiful.
I was going to suggest that we just get more byte space. For an additional $5 we can get an additional 75M, which should definitely tide us over for a while.
Denis suggested we just blow out all the older graphics that aren’t in use anymore – photos that have been in the archives for over a year.
What do you suggest would be a good solution?
i agree with denis. happy monday!
That’s funny. I was never offered this option yesterday, but I say for $5 go for it. Is it $5/month? Either way, that should hold us over for a little while longer.
Spend the $5 and purge things older than a year.
Denis, yes it’s $5/month more for 75MB of additional space.
Spend the $5 and get extra space ….
However, I don’t know about purging everything that is over a year old.
Jane you know me, how I like to hold onto things etc., – Sometimes it comes in extremely useful ….
Anyway, thats my $5 worth !
I say purge.