We Survived the Storm Just Fine!

Just a quick note to say that Hurricane Florence has done its worst to the Charlotte metro area, and other than some minor flooding and downed trees, our area mostly came out unscathed. Speaking specifically, we Cooties had no flooding, no roof leaks, no downed trees, and no issues of any kind. It was actually a pretty relaxing weekend. The only iffy part was on Saturday night the wind was so bad that our roof was creaking all night long and it sounded like someone was having an ill-timed party in our attic. I laid awake for quite a bit listening out for sounds of damage while Denis gently snored in his sleep by my side. But the following morning I went outside to check out the roof (from the safety of the ground) and didn’t see any missing shingles.

Denis went out on Saturday to run a bunch of errands and found that since no one was out, he was able to get a lot done in a short amount of time. CootieGirl and I spent most of the weekend hanging out on the sofa. After months and months she finally finished watching all 13 seasons of “Supernatural” and the single season of “Limitless” on Netflix, and we needed a new show. We started binge-watching “Psych” on Amazon Prime. She was hesitant about the show at first, but once I told her all about the Psych Pineapple, she was in. We’re almost completely through Season 2 at this point and she loves the show. I also watched a couple Hallmark-esque movies I found on Amazon Prime (“An Hour Behind” and “Love at the Christmas Table,” for those that are interested).

Next steps now are to continue to lift up in prayer our friends in the eastern Carolinas as they recover from the much harsher experience they had with Florence this weekend. One college friend of mine owns a restaurant near the coast that fortunately did not suffer too much damage although they do have some cleanup to do. Another friend’s family had trees come down on their cars and massive roof leaks in their house, while an acquaintance of mine said her husband’s entire hometown in central NC is under water at this point (!). My hope is to make donations or contributions of some kind once a needs assessment is done in those more heavily affected areas.

Featured Image by Brandon Godfrey (https://www.flickr.com/photos/32093297@N04/4126626591/)