Watchoo Talkin’ ‘Bout L-Train

Mr. BIL went out to lunch with my co-horts today (I’m miffed I didn’t get an invite – but then again, I doubt I would have gone since they were going to an Indian restaurant). A few minutes ago he came out of his office and said, “Hey, L-Train sold you under the bus at lunch today.”

“About what?” I asked.

“She was talkin’ bad about you left and right. I finally told her she needed to calm down. And Nic? She just laughed the whole time.”

“Uh huh,” I said, not believing him for a second.

I popped over to L-Train’s desk. “I hear you were talkin’ smack about me at lunch today.”

“It wasn’t me!” she cried. “It was HIM!”

“Uh huh,” I said, not believing her for a second.

They are lucky I don’t get inferiority complexes that easily.