Vacation Resolution

So HR and I compared our notes on my vacation time, and when all was said and done, it appears that I had 3 hours left. I opted to move those into 2008. With any luck I can forward those hours and a day or two more into 2009 so that the trip Denis and I take to Quebec City, Canada in 2009 can be extended beyond the typical 7-8 days.

What’s crazy is that even despite my trip to NYC in October 2007, my last day off from work was in mid-September when Denis was in Vegas and CootieGirl was ill with the flu. I took 3 days off in a row for that, and that was it. I was at work everyday in October, November and December. For my NYC trip I flew out AFTER work on Friday night and took the first flight out on Monday morning to arrive at my desk at 9 a.m.

It makes me THAT MUCH MORE excited about my vacation day on January 24th. It is well deserved.