We’re home! The Cooties spent the past week at the beach and it was wonderful. Last Saturday we packed up the van and headed to Topsail Beach, NC where we stayed in a 2-bedroom condo at the St. Regis Resort. We arrived in a torrential downpour that didn’t bode well for the week. However, had an oceanview room on the third floor and it was completely renovated prior to our arrival (we think we were the first guests to stay in the condo since it was renovated).

The first night was uneventful, but when we woke up on Sunday Denis told me that he felt uncomfortable and didn’t think it was right that he be on a beach vacation instead of recovering at home. After a brief discussion he gave in to my recommendation that I drive him home. We briefly tried to find someone in the area to watch the kids for us (several people I know live in the area or were vacationing nearby themselves), but had no luck. Fortunately, the kids totally understood about their father’s plight and willingly agreed that we needed to take him home. So we hopped in the van, packing up stuff we brought and discovered we didn’t need upon our arrival, and began the five hour drive back home. Once there we unpacked the van, got Denis settled back onto our sofa, picked up a few things we had forgotten to bring, and then the kids and I were back on the road for Topsail. We arrived back around 5:30 p.m. and took advantage of the late sunset to hit the beach again.

Friday was my birthday, and one thing I had promised the kids we’d do is go jet-skiing. So Friday morning we headed over to Makin’ Waves where we signed off on paperwork and headed to a nearby inlet. After a brief lesson on what not to do and what we could do, we loaded up on our jetski and headed out. For the next hour we had a BLAST on the jetski. There were six groups in all during our hour, and it was so much fun. At one point the kids demanded I do a donut in the water, and just as I headed into the spin the kids leaned the wrong way and we flipped off the jetski and into the water. I was so embarrassed because during our training the owner of the company had pretty much said it was nearly impossible to flip a jetski. And here we’d done it. The nearby lifeguard said the reason we flipped is because of the weight distribution (one adult two small kids). It was also because the kids leaned INTO the donut as opposed to distributing their weight against the tilt of the jetski. I was mortified that we had done what was supposed to be nearly impossible, until the lifeguard assured me that that just about every group had at least one turnover in it. Sure enough – a few minutes later a woman and her teenage son on another jetski in our group dumped in the water, too. I felt MUCH better after that. Sadly, I have no pictures of that adventure.
But wow – what a fun way to start off my birthday (I’m 45). The rest of the day was great. The kids did their best to get along and that night we went out to dinner and they gave me my gifts while we cut into the cookie cake we had gotten from the local Food Lion that afternoon.
On Saturday we packed up the van and headed home. Will we go to Topsail again? I don’t know. It’s a VERY quiet beach (which is great when all you want to do is relax), but the shells they call sand make it a little uncomfortable if you are a tenderfoot like me. At one point I was in the water and a huge wave pushed me over. I wasn’t able to get up before the next wave hit and it basically dragged me across the oceanfloor which was ALL shells at that point. It scraped up my leg and burned like the devil. I’m sure there are other beaches that are more sand than shells that I’d prefer to try next time. But will we do a beach trip again? Absolutely. It was well worth it!