Updated My WordPress

I went ahead and updated my WordPress from 2.2 to 2.3.1 today and I already know that I like the new changes. I’m not one for using tags in my posts, but now that they have their own field in my post creation page, it makes sense to use them. So we’ll give that a shot going forward.

I also was able to easily upgrade six or seven of my plugins that were updated to work with 2.3.1 – and in the process got one or two to work that weren’t working properly (notably my Amazon Links plugin which was NOT doing what I wanted (it wasn’t saving my settings). I ended up just going directly into the plugin code and manually putting in the code for the selections I wanted Amazon to link to. A bit of a pain, but the options screen for the plugin was essentially useless.

02 comments on “Updated My WordPress

  • Meghan , Direct link to comment

    It looks awesome in here. Then again, I’ve always thought it looked awesome in here. Please TEACH me. I want to switch from Blogger to WordPress, but at my own site (xanadeux dot net). Yet, I have no clue where to start. And, I’d love to be able to move all my old posts over to the new site (with comments in tact, if possible). Is that possible?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Yeah, I seem to recall that WordPress will import from Blogger. And WordPress is AWESOME so I heartily recommend it. I’d start with downloading WordPress 2.3.1 and installing it on your domain. They have pretty decent installation directions at WordPress.org to help you get that done. They have what the call a “Five Minute Install.”

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