Unclean! Unclean!

So we’re better at the Cootiehouse, but not perfect. CootieBoy woke up at about 2 a.m. and was desperate for a bottle, so we gave him a 4 oz bottle of milk. I didn’t want to give him more in case he threw it up. Just as he finished the bottle I put him back in the crib and he was asleep again in a couple of minutes. CootieGirl woke up at about 5:45 a.m. with a raging fever and a major case of the runs. NOT fun. Once we got her cleaned up we put her in bed with us – I laid out towels for her to sleep on in case she got sick from the juice that we let her drink. Fortunately, she kept the juice down and fell asleep.

This morning as I got ready for work we contemplated what to do with the kids – I recommended that Denis stay home with them again since they might still be feeling poorly, but he’s determined to take advantage of the decent weather and do RE stuff that requires he be outside. I can understand that, but there’s no telling if the virus is truly done, AND they might still be contagious to other kids.

Anyway, I’m tired – but not as tired as I could have been if the kids had been up all night long.

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