15 comments on “Uh…Are You KIDDING Me?

  • Amy , Direct link to comment

    Um, are you kidding me?? Wow, that was fast. Looks great! Nice flat lot!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Amy – yes, we lucked out to be in a section of the development that was relatively flat.

  • Christy , Direct link to comment

    Jaynee, I am so happy you found a house. What development is it in? How do you like living in Rock Hill-Fort Mill area? Congrats on finding a job so soon. Sounds like things are going great for you. Talk with you soon!!

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Yay!! We are so thrilled for you all! Welcome to your new life in South Carolina! 🙂

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    Congratulations–Looks like a great house!! You guys certainly didn’t waste any time!

  • Lila , Direct link to comment

    Congratulation! Boy, that was fast. Everything is falling into place nicely. God is definitely looking out for you. Now you can register the kiddies for Pre-school, Pre-K, etc. Yay! 🙂

  • Christy , Direct link to comment

    Jaynee, I have not talked with you in a while. I am so glad you guys already found a house. What development is your new house in? Are you liking your new “hometown”? Finding everyhting okay?

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    I just love this house… I take the west wing for my own thanks!

    This is totally the perfect house for you folks. Looking foward to seeing it in the fall or winter… no later than next spring.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Well I think Jen and Beau are the first ones to visit us after we move in – in late October for our college homecoming weekend. I won’t promise her that we’ll be completely out of boxes by then, but you never know. And you are obviously welcome anytime – but you had BETTER come to White Elephant (the first notice for that goes out soon – if not tomorrow!)…

  • Lila , Direct link to comment

    Wow — I thought that the White Elephant party was history! Glad to see that you are keeping with the tradition.

  • Gwynne , Direct link to comment

    Congrats, Cooties!! Looks like a beautiful home and I’m glad you found something so nice so quickly. The fact that it’s falling into place so easily after all that you’ve been through during the move must be a very welcome relief and a very positive sign that you’re doing the right thing!

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