I just got off the phone with a Disney rep where I made two reservations. The first was for the 50s Primetime Cafe at MGM Studios. We’re slated to go there on the 28th (YAY for planning in advance!). My Disney website that I’m using the plan the trip recommended an early lunch reservation and at first the woman tried to put us down for 12:45 p.m. but I asked her for something earlier, and she found an 11:30 a.m. YAY!!! That’s the exact time I was hoping for (figure we’re seated by 11:45 a.m. and have food coming to the table just after noon).
The other reservation was for CootieGirl to attend the Wonderland Tea Party. I feel bad that CootieBoy will be 3 months short on being able to go – it’s for 4 years old and up. Poor little man – he won’t be happy. Also, we’re taking a chance that CootieGirl won’t flip out about being by herself. I’m half tempted to call back and make a reservation for CootieBoy anyway. Anyway, that reservation has been made as well, and IF she goes in by herself, the hour-long tea party should be a lot of fun for her.
I didn’t make the reservation for the Cinderella’s Royal Table event because you have to pay for the reservation up front – as in all meals. I’m not putting that on MY credit card. So I’m going to ask one of my parents to call and make that reservation and we’ll reimburse them when the time comes. Marmie – when you are ready to do that (and by “ready” I mean it should be done in the next couple of days) I’ll get you all the info you need to make that reservation.
Is it possible for me to go with her to the tea party?
Okay, just looked up the Royal Table info and sent an email with it to you, which you’ve probably already seen. Anyhoo, we can go ahead and make the reservation, no problem. Perhaps the breakfast is the one to do since the princesses visit. And perhaps the Wonderland Tea Party won’t be necessary if she gets her fill of princesses at the breakfast. The tea is at the Grand Floridian which is a bit out of the way, though quite lovely. Dad and I had a fabulous “adult” afternoon tea when we were there.
I love the Primetime Cafe! It’s great fun when the staff admonishes you for putting your elbows on the table and for not finishing your dinner
Have you ever tried the Sci-Fi Dine In Theater at MGM? Also fun.
Marmie – the wonderland tea is children-only. No adults allowed. It’s for children 4-10 years old. I’ll keep the reservation since I doubt we’ll be able to get into CRT at this late date. I’ve sent you an email back regarding that restaurant.
Only 10 months and 2 days until MY Disney trip! Hee!
The 50’s Prime Time is great fun, but even with a reservation you will have to wait a bit. It’s always crowded in there. Definitely worth it, tho! Last time we were there I had to stand with my nose against the wall because I got caught with my feet in my seat (I like to cross my legs). The family had a good laugh!
Bubba’s Sis’s last blog post..An Amazing Finish!