Two Fish Fry

I now have two fish fry in the aquarium’s breeder basket. I lost the sick platy last night and opted to clean the rocks today to get out all the uneaten medicated food I had put in to try and help her. In the process, I saw a fry and was able to get it out of the main tank and into the breeder basket. It is so tiny compared to the one that has been in there for a few weeks. Easily 1/4 the size (smaller than a grain of rice). I’m sure there are more in there, but that’s the only one I saw today.

The old fry (which I suppose is officially a fish now that it has visible fins and is completely opaque) has been dubbed Valentine’s Heart, or Val for short. Val will be released into the main tank in about two weeks, if he continues growing at this rate.

The new fry will be named once we know it’ll live and thrive.