TV’s Off Again

SNL just ended so I turned off the tv. Denis went to bed about 15 minutes ago, too. So now it’s just me, sitting in the office, sweating a bit since the air isn’t on anymore. I may bring the hall fan from upstairs and point it at me for the rest of the night.

Only eight hours to go. I really only had my first yawn of the event a few minutes ago. So it’s not unbearable yet. No lie – I’ve drunk about 8 bottles of water since I woke up this morning. I also had the 32 fl oz of chocolate milk this morning. And a little bit of juice in the afternoon. For me, that’s a lot of liquid in a 16/17 hour timeframe.

The blogs I’m monitoring continue to do a great job. A couple of them are really tiring, and I’m trying to cheer them on to continue – we’re in the last third of the event – can’t quit now!!! Blogathon is about to break the $110K barrier – they are less than $400 away from that number. If you sponsor me – we’ll be one step closer!! Click on the link in my left sidebar to sponsor me. Modest Needs wuold appreciate it, and I know the Blogathoners who are participating this year are SUPER excited about how much money has been earned so far by everyone involved.

And I’m still logged into Yahoo Messenger if anyone wants to chat – my userid is Jaynee, and just put “Blogathon” in the comment section.