I have a lot of shows being Tivo’d while we’re on vacation and I hope I don’t run out of room! I tried to clear it out before we left so that I’d have space, but it’ll still be close. These are the shows I currently Tivo:
- The Office
- Medium
- Lost
- Veronica Mars
- America’s Next Top Model
- How I Met Your Mother
- American Idol
- The Amazing Race
- My Name Is Earl
- Heroes
- 7th Heaven
- Gordon Ramsay’s The F Word
I’ve said before that I hardly ever watch live television anymore. In just one week that’s 13 1/2 hours of programming. And my mom had me set up the Tivo to record “Another World” on SoapNet, so that’s another six hours. But hopefully she’ll delete those as she watches them to free up space. Because I honestly don’t know if I have enough room to record 19 1/2 hours.
Oh wait, I tape Earl on another machine. So it’s only 19 hours. That makes me feel much better.
What do you faithfully watch every week?
Let’s see…
Sunday–Rome (he likes it more than me)
Monday–Prison Break, 24 (he does), The Hills (I know!), CSI Miami,
Tuesday–Law and Order SVU, American Idol, House, The Bad Girls
Club (I know!)
Wednesday–Medium, American Idol
Thursday–Grey’s Anatomy, CSI, ER
Friday–Ghost Whisperer
Saturday–Flip this House
I do TIVO the other Law and Orders, Dirt, Rescue Me, The Sopranos,
and Entourage when they are on.
Brothers & Sisters
Ugly Betty
Real Housewives of Orange County
Top Design
Boston Legal
Martha Stewart
Curious George
I forgot about the Real Housewives of Orange County! I watch that too!
We seldom watch anything live anymore, DVR rocks!
Series recordings for:
The Amazing Race (including GSN reruns)
Law & Order (plain & Criminal Intent)
Flip This (or That) House
Paula Deen’s cooking show
Everyday Italian
Deal or no Deal
That’s about it–we’re boring! Of course, there are
always the three-second shows that my husband watches
as he surfs. It takes longer now for the proclammation
that there is nothing on since we have digital!
I’m trying to think of them in alphabetical order…
7th Heaven (I’m a sucker for this show, too, Jaynee…)
Amazing Race: All-Stars
Arrested Development reruns of Season 3, because I didn’t catch as many of those.
Celtic Woman: A New Journey (PBS was having their pledge week
Family Guy (for him…although Stewie cracks me up)
Gilmore Girls (this season is looking up…)
Great Concerts: Loreena McKennitt at the Alhambra (Again,with PBS…not a weekly, but I need to see it!!)
Heroes (I’m enjoying this one way more than 24!)
My Name is Earl
News Radio (for him…so many reruns!!)
Northern Exposure (for him. I think they’re repeating the same season over and over.
Simpsons, if it doesn’t conflict with TAR.
The Great Raid – his. But since it deals with the Philippines, I want to see it. Part of his heritage, after all.
Oh! I forgot that I’m totally loving the Sherlock Holmes shows on Biography/A&E!! That Jeremy What’s-His-Name is really perfect in the role of Sherlock.
Man. With all this TV watching, it’s amazing I even go swing dancing at all! The joy of fastforwarding through commercials.
Yes, this is my THIRD comment. Whoops. Dancing with the Stars starts this week, Little People, Big World starts in April, and I’m all set to catch that Planet Earth special on Discovery. Also, we occasionally catch Ninja Warrior. And that is all the TV watching to which I’ll admit.