TV: American Idol’s Auditions of the Week

Well, last night’s episode gave me three more contestants on my short list of who will get to the live shows, and one who may have the stuff to go all the way.

The “Gentle Ginger,” Clay Page:

This guy has a great voice and was extremely likeable. My only fear is that he may not have the gravitas to sing heavier material, but if he’s allowed to stay in his lane and do his thing (much like Maddie Poppe last year), he will go very far, in my opinion.

Madison Vandenberg:

Holy cow this girl has an amazing voice. And she’s only 16 years old (I was as surprised as Katy when she said her age because she looks like she’s in her early 20s)! This girl clearly has the chops and natural talent that could help her get very far in this competition. She was my favorite audition of the entire episode.

Adorable Shawn Robinson:

This was my 2nd favorite audition of the night, and I really hope he does well during Hollywood week. He reminds me of a more refined Michael J. Woodard, who I adored last season. His voice was soulful and approachable all at the same time, and Robinson seemed really humble and likeable. I think he’ll do well in Hollywood because I do think he would be able to adapt between R&B and more straightforward pop music.

Others They Let Through:
They let through a couple clunkers that I didn’t think should have gotten through, but I know they’ll disappear quickly during Hollywood week when they have to do the group sing, or be accompanied by a band.  I won’t go into them because I think they’ll be forgotten very quickly.