Oh my word – last night’s show was dreadfully boring. I usually look forward to the “judge picks, contestant picks, producers pick” show, but last night was unbelieveable dull. I won’t even go into details on each performance. Archuleta has now become one of the most boring contestants ever. But I still think he’ll win. Which sucks.
Syesha is obviously doing her best to score a Broadway gig. She has never been this hyper or pumped up than in the past few weeks. She is in full-tilt cabaret mode and it just might get her into the Top 2 for perkiness alone.
David Cook – I don’t want to say he was the BEST of the night because he wasn’t great. I did like his Roberta Flack cover, but not overwhemingly.
What a disappointment. Based on last night I don’t care WHO stays and who goes.
I disagree. I can’t STAND David Cook but I think HE will win. I think David A. is technically by far and away the best vocalist but I don’t think he’d be very marketable. I guess we gotta decide: are we picking the best singer, or the kid who will sell the most CDs? Syesha is not consistent enough, and her beauty and poise are, IMO, the reasons she’s still around. I predicted David A. would go home tonight, Dial Idol makes it pretty clear it’s going to be Syesha. In either case I’m going to be subjected to a final with the guy who thinks that even “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” can benefit from some screaming and wretching.
There. I knew you wanted to know what Granny thought
I give up watching now – I think this show has become a farce and I agree with you J regarding the boredom factor.
Shame. I really don’t think any of these 3 deserve to be the next big thing. Some that were voted off prior, are more deserving I feel. Just my two cents!
Yeah, it was kind of boring last night. David A has a beautiful voice, but he’s super boring – I’ve said that for weeks. Syesha will end up on Broadway. David C is my pick to win and I think he will have a pretty good career in music. I’m sad that Michael Johns and Carly Smithson didn’t make it to the finals – they were the more interesting and talented of the top 12, imho.
MB, you’re just bitter that the Irish chick didn’t go all the way. She does have a powerful voice.
*lol* Funny Denis!
I was actually hoping for the Australian dude to go full circle. I thought he could sing and had a certain appeal. Irish chick was certainly good too and it would have been nice to see someone from home win big.