My main thought on last night’s finale? I think David Cook threw it. He didn’t throw it in such a way that it was obvious – he still sang really well (his voice on the U2 song was wonderful), but despite this his first and third songs were not breakaway performances. I was happy with his pick for the original song – it was definitely catchy enough to play on Top 40 and I admit that I may download his performance if it’s available on iTunes. But I wish for his third song he had done another version of “Eleanor Rigby” which would have allowed him to do a longer performance version of it. I still think that was his best song of the entire season.
Having said that, all the coaching done by his stage dad paid off, as David Archuleta pretty much nailed every Adult Contemporary performance he did. I KNEW he’d sing “Imagine” since it’s the only remarkable performance he had until last night. I actually didn’t enjoy last night’s version because it was VERY close to his original (which I did download).
As for David Cook, I think he knew that Archie’s fans are rabid and would vote like crazy. I voted ten times for Cook anyway. I hope he wins because I don’t see Archie’s album being ANY good at all – it’ll all be MOR ballads. David Archuleta CANNOT sing uptempo songs – as proven by his failures all season long when singing faster songs. Cook, however, has versatility and talent combined. He deserves to win.
Update: has David Cook winning by a comfortable margin. Not a HUGE margin, but comfortable. That’s encouraging, although DialIdol is not always right.
Archie…that killed me.
I really thought last night was average, at best – in terms of AI finales.
Stacys last blog post..Wii Fits of Rage
I agree that it wasn’t the best of finales. I thnk Clay/Ruben still hold that title because their finale was fantastic. I’d rate it third – behind Clay/Ruben and Carrie/Bo. All the others were not as entertaining as last night’s, all boxing cheesiness aside.
don’t know if you remember me…I’m the second of the Warren girls. I still picture you as a super-cool teenager
I love to check out your blog, and your wrap-ups of AI are great. I’m w/ you in the Cook camp, have had enough of baby-face and his inability to sustain a note…the runs get tiring. Anyway, I’ll poke my head in now and then! Hope all is well w/ you and your fam!
Of course I remember you, Kristen! I remember all three of the Warren girls!
And I’m still supercool.