Tough Decision

Yesterday when I got home I found out that CootieBoy had had a MAJOR potty-training accident at school. Apparently when they were on the playground in the last hour of the day, he was playing in a muddy area with another little girl. The teacher thought the stain on his pants was mud, but in fact, it was an explosion of poop. When Denis got there to pick him up, CootieBoy REEKED like death and was an absolute mess. Needless to say, Denis was ticked (and rightfully so since his car now has been infected with the smell) and the pants will be thrown in the garbage (they are currently laying on our back patio).

Next year CootieGirl will be headed to half-day school, and so last night Denis and I discussed switching daycares once CG is only in need of after-school care. I called another preschool this morning which comes highly recommended and got their rates.

Yeah. You know how I’ve been talking about the boatloads of money we’ll save when CG gets into school? Well, this new facility is much more expensive than the one we currently use, and by switching we’ll only be saving $20 a month. Despite CG only being there half the time. Part of me says, “Just keep the kids where they are – CB will be completely pottytrained soon and this will become a non-issue!” The other part of me says, “Yeah, but what about those niggling doubts about the quality of the ‘education’ at this current place?” So I’m kind of in a quandry right now.

Denis and I had decided yesterday that we’d use our tax return and the rebate check to pay off debt, rather than put it in savings. I’ve emailed him to discuss the possibility of putting the rebate toward the van payment – after all, I seem to recall the van is due to be paid off by the time CG goes to school in the fall. If we can ensure the van IS paid off by then, then I’d be willing to go to the more expensive daycare knowing we’d STILL be saving that car payment amount each month.
