Tonight’s Grocery Shopping

Okay, tonight I did even better than I did yesterday, percentage-wise.

I hit Bi Lo:
Bought: 26 items
Original total price: $56.12
Coupons/discounts totalled: $29.06
Total spent with tax: $27.06

This means I saved OVER 50% ON MY ENTIRE PURCHASE. Tonight. Also, I went back to Harris Teeter tonight and picked up the free peanut butter – they had TWO jars of it on the shelf, so I got one. It was funny because the register kept waiting for me to pay $0.00 after I put in my coupon, and didn’t know what to do. Finally a guy came over and finalized the transaction so I could leave. He had to be laughing that I literally ONLY “bought” a jar of peanut butter. I know CootieBoy was confused (he was with me).

So with those orders, my WEEKEND TOTAL comes to:
Total items: 71 items
Total original price: $151.41
Coupons/Discounts: $70.31
Total out of pocket: $79.01
Total percentage saved: 46%

That rocks. For tonight, the peanut butter wins out as “best bargain” since it was free. But second after that is the Yoplait yogurts – they were on sale for 50 cents, and I had a coupon for $1.00 off six of them, which took the six I bought down to 30 cents each.