Tomorrow is the Republican Primary here in SC. I have NO IDEA who I’m going to vote for. Isn’t that crazy? I’m totally waffling because there is no one candidate that is a perfect fit. I’ve done quizzes and read new stories and each time I come up with someone different from both parties – Richardson, Huckabee, Paul, Biden, McCain. The only constant is that Obama and Hillary have NEVER been in the top spot for me.
Here are some things I have to keep in mind:
John McCain: I liked him in 2000. But he’s always so grumpy. Is America really ready for a grumpy President? Somehow I don’t think so. So in that regard I can’t help but think that if he gets the nomination, he WON’T win against whatever Democrat gets chosen.
Huckabee: There are things I like about him, but I can’t help but think is he really the man for the job?
Ron Paul: While I like his record and honesty, I know a vote for him is a wasted vote because there is NO WAY he’ll win the nomination.
Guiliani: I have love for Guiliani – I think he’d be a GREAT VP. But President? I’m starting to have my doubts.
I guess I’ll have to wait and see how I feel when I go to my polling location tomorrow.
Based on what you’re saying, I hope McCain gets the Republican nomination. I agree, I don’t think he can win against any Democrat. He’s too much like Bush and the country has definitely had too much of him.
Are you registered as a Republican? How is the primary set up? Are both parties on the ballot or are the party booths separate?
Personally, I think it is unethical for someone who is registered for one party, and fully intends to vote that party in the presidential election, to vote in the opposing party’s primary. My two cents.
I was going to vote in the Virginia Primary in February, but you have to declare for a party before you vote. I don’t want to do that because I’ll be getting phone calls from that party from now until November. So, I’m going to sit this one out.
In SC you can vote in whichever primary you want (tomorrow is Republicans, next Saturday is Democrats). The only restriction is that I can only vote in ONE of them – not both. My voter registration info on the SC website doesn’t show any party affiliation, but I’m still allowed to vote in either one since I am indeed registered to vote.
Uncle Bill – we have only gotten one phone call, and it was a computerized questionaire that came in a couple days ago. No other phone calls before or after.
Denis – despite my naysaying about McCain – he is moderate enough that the Democrats who don’t want to go for Hillary or Obama would probably be up for McCain. He has a lot of moderate support from BOTH sides of the fence.
McCain is for the war, I don’t see most Democrats voting for him. IMHO most Dems are done with the war and will be searching for a Pres. to get a resolution ASAP.
Ace – but people won’t be voting solely based on the war. They also will be voting for economy, immigration, social issues, healthcare and a plethora of other topics. If someone votes STRICTLY based on the war platform, that’s a stupid voter (IMHO). you have to look at the bigger picture when deciding who to vote for.
I agree with Ace, and I don’t see that as being unethical Marmie.
I was going to say just don’t vote for Rudy but I wont get involved
My concern is for the voters in the states where, regardless of your party preference, you can vote in whichever primary you want. To me it is unethical, though perfectly legal in some states, for a Democrat to vote in the Republican primary if it is his/her intention to vote for a Democrat in November. I could not in good conscience do that.