Today’s Workout

Well, I didn’t get to the gym today before church. But I did manage to get there after church while Denis took the kids to the park to enjoy our beautiful 70-degree, clear-blue-sky weather. I did an hour on the treadmill then another thirty minutes of weight training. The treadmills face the front of the building that is wall to wall glass, and it was pretty dang hot there today because the sun was blazing. After twenty minutes on one machine I had to switch to one that was in the shade because it was so oppressive. But by the time my forty minutes were done on that second machine I was in the sun again. They need to think about getting blinds of some kind that people can put down if they need to. Because the glaring sun also made the tv monitors a bit hard to see.

Which, by the by – I LOVE THOSE TVS. Today the treadmill time zoomed by as I switched between “Tradining Spaces” on TLC and “Groundhog Day” on TBS. I’m definitely going to have to plan my gym time to coincide with shows on tv – like “ER” on Thursday nights at 10 p.m., or “Heroes” on Monday nights at 9 p.m. Because doing an hour on the treadmill is dead easy when you are enjoying a little tv at same time.