Today’s Shopping – Big Success!

Today I only went to three stores. I would have gone to four but forgot that the kitty litter that was on sale was at the fourth, and didn’t go. I’ll hit it up tomorrow.

So today I hit Rite Aid, Harris Teeter and Lowe’s.

At Rite Aid:
Total Items: 2 (2 boxes of hair dye)
Total Original Price: $14.28
Total Paid: $7.28
Total Saved: $7.00
Total Percentage Saved: 49%

I’m stocking up on hair dyes since I’m averaging under $4 a box when I do the sales with coupons. That’s cheap for good hair dye, and it’s something I know I’ll use. I now have a GREAT stockpile that will last me quite some time.

At Harris Teeter:
Total Items: 7
Total Original Price: $24.00
Total Paid: $7.78
Total Saved: $16.22
Total Percentage Saved: 67%

At Harris Teeter I got 2 lbs of red grapes for under $2.00. I also got a gallon of fat-free ice cream for $1.69 which I felt was a good price (original price was $5.59). My other good deal was two big bottles of apple juice. The original price for the two was $5.78 (2.89 each), but I got them for $1.89, or 94 cents each.

At Lowe’s:
Total Items: 18
Total Original Price: $84.79
Total Paid: $44.24
Total Saved: $40.55
Total Percentage Saved: 47%

I did GREAT at Lowe’s. Even the kid checking me out was impressed. My bill actually would have been $5.99 lower, but I donated $1 to the Lowe’s Charities and also bought some non-starch ironing spray that a friend of mine raved about. No, I don’t iron much, but when I do, it would be nice to have the ironing spray to help get the wrinkles out and make it nice. I haven’t hard spray starch in about a year, so most times when I iron I STILL don’t get the wrinkles out. So, even though I didn’t have a coupon for it, I spent the $4.99. So technically my bill would have been over 50% savings if I hadn’t bought that. EVERYTHING ELSE I bought had a coupon and was on sale.

My weekend totals:
Total Items: 27
Total Original Price: $132.79
Total Paid: $59.30
Total Saved: $73.49
Total Percentage Saved: 55%

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