Today’s Grocery Game

I know – today is Saturday. But I still did my grocery shopping today. I wanted to see if the items I wanted would be on the shelf, since it’s hit or miss on Sunday when “the list” comes out.

Our actual grocery list only had two items on it, so I knew that whatever I bought today would be stockpiling. Two of our stores are running Buy 10 for $10 sales this week, and I knew I had coupons for several of them, so rather than wait for the list to tell me about those sales, I opted to go it alone this week.

The good news? I did GREAT.

I hit Lowe’s first. WOW did I do great there.

Bought: 26 items
Original total price: $59.96
Coupons/discounts totalled: $40.45
Total spent with tax: $19.51
Total percentage saved: 67%

SIXTY SEVEN PERCENT!! I was LOVING it as the discounts and coupons just kept going and going. Everything I bought was on sale, and almost everything had a coupon on top of that. It was fantastic. I used a $5 off your next Lowe’s shop coupon that I got last week, and also used two Greenpoints coupons. All total I used 7800 Lowe’s Greenpoints on this shop (Greenpoints is their program where you earn points at each shop and can use them later for promotions like a free turkey or discounts when you shop). We still have 23K+ points left to use for anything we want to get in the future.

Then I headed over to Food Lion. Now, last week I made the decision I wasn’t going to go to Food Lion anymore because they don’t double coupons. However, with their 10 for $10 sale, I figured I’d go ahead and go there.

Bought: 33 items
Original total price: $54.87
Coupons/discounts totalled: $18.75
Total spent with tax: $36.12
Total percentage saved: 35%

Not as good, percentage-wise, but still decent. Basically I paid about $1 for each item I bought, which is reasonable. And when the Food Lion shop gets combined with my Lowe’s purchase for the grand totals it’s even better.

My grand totals for the day:

Total items: 59 items
Total Original Price: $114.83
Total Discounts/Coupons: $59.20
Total Spent with tax: $55.63
Total percentage saved: 51%

I love that I spent less than a dollar per item after all the discounts. I also think that’s my best percentage yet. Even better? Our shopping is done for a LONG time. We probably won’t need to go at all next weekend except for a milk/eggs/bread type of shop.

My stockpile? Essentially complete. And it only took 3 weeks.

02 comments on “Today’s Grocery Game

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Love it! Now you’re all ready to be snowed in…if only you actually got snow. 🙁

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