Today is MOVING DAY!!!

I feel bad that I’m here at work instead of at the apartment helping Denis. But I just don’t have the time to take off so I had to be at work.

Last night we took over the last remaining bits from the apartment that we didn’t need and we also unpacked ALL of it. We figured that it would be better to unpack all that stuff and have it in it’s proper place before the chaos of the remaining stuff arriving. So that’s a good feeling, to know that at least SOME of the stuff is already unpacked and put away. Not a lot, but some.

Then I went back after we took the kids back to the apartment and got them into their beds for their last sleep there. We then loaded up the van again with the last of the kitchen stuff and other things and I took those over while Denis stayed at the apartment. I also took over the vacuum since the kids had sprinkled Rice Krispies and Sugar Pops cereal all over the kitchen and empty family room.

Today when I dropped off CootieGirl at school she was giving me a hug goodbye and seemed like she didn’t want me to go. So I kneeled down and asked, “What’s today?”

“Moving day!” she whispered excitedly.

“And where are we going when school is done?”

“The big house!”

“And where are you going to sleep tonight?”

“In my princess room!”

“Okay, well the sooner you go start playing, the sooner moving day will end, and the sooner you’ll be at the new big house in your princess room.”

With that she happily trotted off for breakfast with her daycare pals.


Update at 10:00 a.m.: Denis called me a few minutes ago to tell me that they are already done at the apartment and were about to arrive at the storage unit. I’m impressed that they got all the apartment furniture done in the first hour alone!

Update at 12:15 p.m.: Denis called a bit ago and said they were done at the storage unit. They got all the furniture and most of the boxes in the first unit, and were on their way to the house – if all goes well they’ll be done unloading by 4 p.m. And what’s even more awesome is that this move might cost less than $1,000 by the time the whole thing is done tomorrow.

Update at 3:28 p.m.: The movers are done with today’s stuff. Denis emailed and said they finished around 3 p.m. and will meet Denis tomorrow at 9 a.m. to get the remainder of our stuff. I’m now debating whether we even need a babysitter at all. It took them two hours to load up heavy bulky furniture. Of the remaining stuff in storage it’s mainly boxes – only a couple pieces of furniture are left. So if they meet Denis at 9 a.m. they may be back at the house by 11:00 a.m. and done unloading by 12:30 p.m. I had planned on having the babysitter come at 11:30 a.m. Is it worth it to have a babysitter for an HOUR? Somehow I can’t help but think “no”. So I’m going to look for her number tonight and let her off the hook.