Time To Get Involved

So this past Sunday I wrote on the guest card, “Would like to participate in the band – play piano and have alto voice.” We’ll see if I get a call on that one – you never know. They have a large band (drums, bass, keyboard, violin, two guitarists) and various singers. They have a couple backup musicians for the guitarist and drummer spots. I’m sure they keyboardist would like a break every once in a while too, and I’d love to play/sing.

And since we missed the event this past weekend wherein frequent visitors can meet one on one with the pastor and learn more about the church and opportunities, we’ll be attending the Feb 3 event instead. It’s a good church – I like everything about it and have gotten used to the fact that the sermons are via video as opposed to live and in person. The fact that the video sermons are FANTASTIC helps a lot in that regard.

This past Sunday the band opened the service with a song that I totally knew, but couldn’t remember who sang it. I was even able to sing along with part of it. Denis asked me if it was a modern rock song, and I responded yes – meaning it was in the modern rock genre. He thought I meant it was a NEW SONG, which is what he was actually asking me. After the service ended I approached the pastor and asked him who sang that song. “The Call,” he answered. It was ‘Let the Day Begin’ which was probably their biggest (only?) hit back in the late 80s. Needless to say upon arriving home I immediately downloaded it from iTunes and converted it to MP3 to put on my player. 🙂