Thursday’s Blogathon Post

Thursdays are Blogathon Promotion Day so here is my obligatory post asking folks to pony up a pledge in support of my efforts!

This year I’m raising funds for Modest Needs which is non-profit that helps out folks with small financial grants for emergency help such as a new dishwasher, one month’s rent, or a car repair. Most financial request are under $1,000, and all are worthy. Haven’t we all had a situation where something has come up in our lives and we wondered where the money would come from? Modest Needs is the answer to that question for thousands of people in this country.

So click on the banner at the top of this page and make your donation pledge. I’ll be blogging for 24 hours beginning next Saturday, July 28, at 9 a.m. in an effort to raise money for this great charity.