This and That

1) I can’t find my Bed Bath & Beyond receipt and rebate form for the Aero-Grow. It has been in my purse since Saturday and yesterday when I went to fill out the form here at work it was gone. I went on a tear when I got home going through EVERY pile of paper in the entire house and they are not around. Gone. There goes $20 of the savings I was getting from the Aero-Grow. All I can think is that it fell out of my purse at church on Sunday, but I highly doubt that.

2) CootieGirl is awesome. Yesterday on the “Today Show” it was the start of the Where in the World is Matt Lauer week. She was laying on the bed in our room as he began talking about where he was yesterday. She perked up suddenly and said, “Hey! Argentina! That’s where we’re helping people!” She then went on the explain that in Argentina there are people who don’t have food and sleep in the dirt (those are her words) and she’s helping to raise money to send to the kids so they can eat. I knew she had a can that she was putting coins in, but I have to admit I never looked at the card in the can to see what the fundraising was for. But she was VERY interesting in everything Matt talked about yesterday (of course, he only showed the shops and cuisine and beautiful views – not the slums and outer areas of hardship).

3) In my Survivor pools I’m out in one game, but still active in another. In the game for which I’m part of the jury now it is getting CRAZY. The person who threw me under the bus is ONLY safe this week because she has immunity. However, next week EVERYONE is planning on booting her. And what’s so great is the ONLY way she can save herself next week is to have immunity again. It’s hilarious because everyone on the jury is LOVING the hole she dug for herself this week. In the game in which I’m still a castaway we’re down to the final six and it’s getting dicey. This week I had to make a tough choice in my voting. I had thought that one of my original alliance members from the beginning of the game had flipped, and planned on getting him voted out this week. But he came to me and explained what happened last week and told me who he wanted out of the game. The person he wanted out is in a tentative NEW alliance that I formed when I thought this original player had flipped. But now, knowing he didn’t flip after all, I am now voting out one of the folks from my new alliance. I know he’s going to be REALLY REALLY furious and I’m sure he won’t vote for me if I get to the final tribal council. I’ve told the another person in my original alliance (who is also part of the new alliance) that I’m switching my vote and that she is welcome to vote which ever way she feels is best and no hard feelings if she even gets the other alliance to vote for ME (which will result in a tie which I’ll win because I only have one prior vote against me while this other person has at least two).

4) My weight has held steady the past couple days. I looked at my color-coded weight loss spreadsheet and this always happens. The week after my doctor appointment I have 2-3 days where there is no loss – in fact, each and every time there has been a one pound gain – followed by a couple weeks of straight loss. So I’m not worried about it since I know there is absolutely a pattern over the past three months. Having that spreadsheet has been AWESOME as a way to gauge just how I’m doing. There is a DEFINITE pattern to the way I’m losing weight.

That’s it for now, I think. More later if I think of anything.