There She Goes

I just got word that Broadway Girl, my replacement at The Old Company, will be working her last day this Friday. Apparently her constant disappearances to go audition just wasn’t tolerable any longer.

It’s a shame – she’s a good admin and got along well with my former bosses. But she fibbed when she told me that she wasn’t going to pursue acting anymore – she actually went on several auditions per week during the workday since she started there last July.

02 comments on “There She Goes

  • Broadway Girl , Direct link to comment

    Just to set the record straight —

    I was very honest when I said that I was still pursuing acting before I accepted this job. I was honest with you and with my bosses when they interviewed me before I started working here. J. and I actually had a lengthy and very frank discussion about it before I was hired permanently. Performing is my sole reason for being in New York and for doing sercretarial work *at all* when, given my education, I could easily be working at much better jobs making a lot more money.

    As for going on auditions during the workday — I was very honest about that, as well. I did not “disappear”. I went to the occasional audition *on my lunch hour*. I looked back in my calendar and saw that over the past seven months, I have *never* gone on more than one per week and many weeks not at all. And on days when I didn’t go to an audition, I *always* worked through lunch, never even leaving for a coffee break or a smoke break, which my coworkers frequently do. I even ate my lunch sitting at my desk while working — not even eating it in the office kitchen. I stayed late almost every day — up until 7pm on some days. And I came in early every now and then as well, even during the strike and was several times the first person in the office. I also constantly helped other admins on anything they needed help with and *always* offered help, even if it was refused.

    I did have to go to jury duty for five days in the fall — hardly something I could be blamed for. And I took three days of vacation to go say goodbye to my brother before he left to go fight in Iraq. I’ve taken only one sick day since working here, which might be a record for this office.

    Thanks for the compliment on my work. I appreciate that. But please get the facts straight before calling me a liar on a public blog.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    BG, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post.

    As for calling you a liar – I wouldn’t ever use such a harsh word about such a nice person. I just know that when I spoke to you about the position back in June I expressly told you that you would have to work a full 40-hour week and would not be able to spend so much time pursuing acting. At that point you told me something to the effect of, “I’m prepared to work full-time now and give up acting. I haven’t had an acting job in a while and I know that I need a full-time job at this point.” That’s obviously a paraphrase since I can’t remember your exact words, but I DO know that when I went to R to tell him to bring you in for an interview that I let HIM know that you had informed me that you were at the end of your pursuit for the stage, and thus an excellent candidate since you were already familiar with The Old Company.

    While I’m obviously not privy to all events at The Old Company, I do still keep in touch with several people at the company, both admin and banker alike. Having said that, I will apologize and say that it was irresponsible of me to post about something that I was not actively involved in. But I stand by my comments regarding what you said directly to me in June 2005.

    Thanks again for visiting and posting your side of the situation.

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