The Timeline of My Night

Daycare called yesterday at 4:38 p.m. asking for us to pick up CootieBoy because he was sick with a stomach bug. I told them to call Denis since I work until 6 p.m. When I got home Denis told me that CootieBoy was NOt sick but had probably just eaten something that didn’t sit well with his digestive system. Sure enough – he was fine all night long.

However, CootieGirl was sick last night. No idea why, but around 8 p.m. she began complaining that her stomach hurt and that she wanted to throw up. After many tries nothing happened, so I figured she was being her usual overly-dramatic self.

I fell asleep on the sofa watching a movie, but woke up around 1:45 a.m. and shuffled up to bed.

Cut to 2:15 a.m. – she comes running into our bedroom. “Mama, I hafta throw up!” she cried, running for our bathroom. She stood there for a minute in the bathroom but nothing happened, and she finally opted to go potty instead, then headed back to her room.

Cut to 2:45 a.m. – she comes running into our bedroom. “Mama, I hafta throw up!” she cried, running for our bathroom. She stood there for a minute and sure enough – she started to be sick. Poor thing. After her last bout of nausea a couple months ago she is a pro at not making huge wretching noises (like her mama). Very quietly she did her business, we got her cleaned up and she went back to bed.

Cut to 3:25 a.m. – she comes running into our bedroom. “Mama, I hafta throw up!” she cried, running for our bathroom. She stood there for a minute and nothing happened. “Are you sure you have to throw up?” I asked her. “No, I did it in my room.”

AGGGGHHHHH!!!!! We went to her room, I flipped on the light, and sure enough, it was right in the doorway. So I cleaned her up again, got her into bed, and proceeded to clean up the mess and wash the carpet. At 3:30 in the morning.

Got back into bed, and at 4:15 a.m. CootieBoy comes in, climbs over me and nestles in for a couple more hours of sleep.

6:20 a.m. – “Mama, I hafta go potty,” I hear whispered into my ear. So up again, I led CootieBoy to the potty so he could go, and at that time there was no point to getting back into bed.

Fortunately, when we woke CootieGirl at 7:00 a.m. she was chipper and back to her normal self, with no complaints about her belly. And since CootieBoy had had no incidences since arriving home last night, they both got sent off to daycare and I headed to work for an early staff meeting.

Tonight? I’m SO going to bed at 10 p.m. if not before then.

03 comments on “The Timeline of My Night

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Poor Dear!

    I don’t have kids and I went to bed at 9PM on Monday due to exhaustion… I can’t imagine.

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    I wonder if CG’s problem was similar to CB’s just took longer – food poisoning?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    I doubt it was food poisoning since they were two different kinds of “illnesses” – if you get my point (and I’m sure you do).

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