Back in February I mentioned that I was going to get a new cellphone, and then retracted that because Denis wanted to leave Cingular/AT&T when his contract was up.
But a couple days ago a new Wirefly offer came into my inbox. It was an intriguing offer, and I have spent the past two days considering the offer and trying to figure out if it’s worth it. Last night I asked Denis if he was still intent on leaving AT&T. He said probably not, since it was Cingular that he had a problem with, and since AT&T took over it has been better. That kind of gave me the green light to go ahead and get the new phone.
But then when I logged in to get it, I noticed that the result of this new apparatus would be that our cellphone bill will go up about $30/month. I called Denis to ask his opinion. After a few minutes of throwing some scenarios around, he told me to go for it.
So I did. I just ordered my new cellphone. Wanna see it? Click into the extended post below…

I’m going to call her Scarlet.
The reason it made sense to get a Blackberry is that I currently carry around a cellphone AND my Dell PDA. By getting the blackberry I eliminate the need for the Dell PDA which is kind of big. My new Blackberry will have internet, email, GPS, phone, calendar, contacts, and I can even upload music if I want to (I probably won’t since I love my Creative Zen). And the best part? The Blackberry was FREE in exchange for extending our AT&T contract for another two years (which is fine with me).
GONE is the crappy cellphone that would randomly shut off for no apparent reason! GONE is the crappy cellphone that would SAY it’s dialing a number but really wouldn’t be! GONE is the phone that has been the bane of my existence since I inherited it from Denis.
Ohhh, pretty!
I believe you are on your third cell phone since we moved to NJ and I am still on Number 1. LOL
However, I could be wrong. You could be on #4. HEH
I had the purple Motorola, which was already old when you moved to NJ. We got the razrs, and mine was heavenly – until we spilled orange juice on it a couple years ago. I then inherited Denis’ phone since he didn’t like the razr. Turns out, HIS razr was indeed a piece of garbage (unlike my OJ one that never had a moment’s trouble). So while this is #4, it’s ONLY because the one I have no is bad. If I hadn’t spilled OJ on my original razr I would not even think of switching.
Not quite what I said: “Last night I asked Denis if he was still intent on leaving AT&T. He said probably not, since it was Cingular that he had a problem with, and since AT&T took over it has been better. ”
I said that I still have a problem with Cingular but since they are gone and are now part of AT&T I’m less upset, but I still blame AT&T for what Cingular put me through and if I had it my way, I’d leave them but since you need a new phone and have suffered using my bad old phone you deserve to get a new phone if it means I have to suffer staying with AT&T. No worries. Enjoy the new phone.
It was close enough.