I’m politicked out. Cootiehog is going back to its delightful non-politic-talkin’ ways. It’s much more enjoyable that way.
This morning I intended to go to HArris Teeter to take advantage of the first day of triple coupon weekend, but CootieBoy caused such a fuss getting ready this morning that instead of running early I merely ran on time. So I had no time to check out the store. Hopefully tomorrow morning he’ll cooperate so I can do some early-morning shopping.
’bout time tootsy!!!! Let’s talk chairs instead
For the record though…I think you did an OUTSTANDING job of politicking and standing up for your positions. I enjoyed your politcal posts and as someone also married to a man who hurls insults at the TV every time Bush appears, I can empathize with your plight. There is absolutely no reason to hate the MAN, whether that man is Bush or Obama. But we can and should pray. Bravo, Jaynee! Well said.
Gwynnes last blog post..All Good Dogs Go to Heaven, Right?
MB – Don’t worry, Kirbster is ready to work for you! I think Market ends this weekend.
Gwynne – thank you for your compliment! I’m ready to go back in my shell though. =)
Gwynne, yes, I dislike Bush so much that I curse the TV when I see him on screen and think of all the things he’s lied about, the freedoms he’s taken away, and the mistrust he’s brought to the office of the presidency for so many Americans. And since everyone else has seemed to have a chance at defending themselves, I thought I’d take mine. I pray every day that Bush and those surrounding him will change their evil ways, but I think the prayer has finally been answered with the election of Barack Obama. Thank you. I wasn’t going to mention politics on the blog again, but I need to defend my position after that attack. I’m done now if everyone else is.
Your position is that George Bush is evil? Really?
George Bush isn’t evil, Denis. And I seriously doubt that any of his actions were done with evil intent (much like I know nothing Obama does will be of an evil intent however much I might disagree with his beliefs). That’s the very namecalling I hate, and I would have thought after all my various posts on how much I despise namecalling you’d know better than to do that with your “final” post on politics.
Jaynees last blog post..If You Aren’t Watching “Chuck†or “Pushing Daisies†You Are Crazy
Denis, please tell me one freedom you have lost in the last 8 years?