The Internet is DEAD Today

Is it a day off for the internet? Seriously – it’s dead out there in bloggerland. A few people are posting, but it’s a fraction of my normal Wednesday bloggy goodness that I read.

In other news, on my lunch hour I hopped over to Target and picked up a few things. L-Train told me I was crazy for going over there the day after Christmas, but it was surprisingly empty (it helps that this Target is in the center of Charlotte where a lot of businesses are closed today). I picked up an Ove-Glove for Denis, some farm animals for CootieBoy and CootieGirl, the 5th Harry Potter movie for me, and a few small Christmas related items that were on sale. In and out in 30 minutes.

Then I got word that The Firm may be closing at 4 p.m. today. And apparently Mr. BIL was the one that had to make the decision since all the partners above his name on the letterhead are out on vacation. He called me into his office after talking with HR and gave me the head’s up, but then said, “I may not be able to get you out of here”….

ah ha! The announcement email just came into my inbox – it’s official, we’re closing at 4 p.m.

Anyway, Mr. BIL said he may not be able to get my out of here at 4 p.m. but maybe by 5 p.m., to which I said, “Why are we closing the day AFTER Christmas?” and then followed up with “I don’t care what time I get out of here – even 5:30 p.m. is a bonus for me.”

But of course, I’m hoping for 4:15 p.m. *lol*

Update at 5:22 p.m.: Still here!!

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