The Good Ol’ Days

I remember them well. When the Friday before a holiday the office would close at 2 p.m., or 3 p.m., and sometimes if it was REALLY quiet, at 1 p.m. (that was rare).

Long gone are those days.

It is 5:51 p.m. and I’m not only still here, but I’m waiting for Mr. BIL to get off the damn phone so he can approve FIVE projects to go out the door (thankfully, three of them are emails with attachments and he has hinted that he may not send one of them).

His girlfriend just called and when I answered the phone she exclaimed, “WHY ON EARTH are you still there? Are you KIDDING me?” That made me laugh. I think Mr. BIL is gonna get a lecture tonight on keeping the help late before a holiday weekend.

Update at 7:18 p.m.: I left work around 6:24 p.m. Mr. BIL was very apologetic and thankful – we managed to get a LOT done today.