The Found Weekend

The non-medical portion of the weekend was fun. Mi familia arrived about 15 minutes after I got home on Friday (I worked late and got home at 7 p.m.). It was chaos for a few minutes there (enough to make me a bit cranky) but once everything was settled down I was fine. If I could describe the family portion of the weekend, “chilling out” would be the main phrase. Basically we just lolled around the house. And they loved every minute of it. The only time people left the house was to go grocery shopping (Beau went with Denis), breakfast hunting (Pop went with Denis) and to church/lunch (whole family). Denis did go out more than that – he took CootieBoy to a birthday party on Saturday morning since I couldn’t go, and then took CootieGirl to an art fair that got rained out.

We watched some tv (both adult and kid), a movie, the Survivor finale, and Pop got his fill of NASCAR and golf (although CootieBoy demanded “Blue’s Clues” about five minutes before the end of golf and Pop relented and said it was okay to turn off the golf).

I got to do some painting, and also passed along all my tea paintings to Marmie to take to her store. She said they look much nicer in person and said they’d definitely sell better at fairs and markets. That was encouraging to hear. They also liked my fleece blankets and I noticed during the weekend that Jen used the one I gave Jesse (which makes sense since their room was frigid this weekend).

Baby Jesse (as shown in the pictures a couple posts back) is really cute. He’s got more personality now than as a newborn (obviously) and I held him a few times here and there. He was kinda cranky throughout Saturday and Jen said it was the most he’d cried in all the time they’d had him (he’s almost four months old).

Church was good this weekend and I’m back on band duty this week with my first practice in a long while being this Wednesday night. Afterwards we popped in to one restaurant only to find the mother’s day wait was an hour long. So we drove one mile down the road to another place and were seated right away. The kids behaved just long enough to have a nice meal, after which we came home and the moms got some gifts. I was happy to receive “The Zombie Survival Guide” and “World War Z” (both books about zombies, naturally), as well as a candle, a t-shirt, a keychain and a book about moms.

If I’m forgetting anything else from the weekend it’s because I was in a haze for a portion of the weekend.

Oh! I know! Our sofabed! This was the first time we used our sofabed since we bought it back in October. It’s one of those sofabeds that has a 6″ mattress and then a blow-up 6″ mattress on top of that. I blew it up really well and that thing was solid. I got good sleep on that sofabed, and even Denis said he has no qualms about having his brother sleep on it when he visits in a couple of weeks. No bars in your back like sofabeds of the past. Nope – this thing is AWESOME. My only concern is that Denis’ brother may be a bit too tall – his feet may dangle over the edge. Well, maybe he can sleep diagonally.

Okay, coming up next is a movie review. CUTE movie this weekend.

02 comments on “The Found Weekend

  • jen , Direct link to comment

    It was a very fun weekend – thanks again! And the blanket for Jesse is great! Thanks for that, too.

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    It was a fun weekend and Mother’s Day for Marmie and Pop had a good time, too! Thanks for everything. Sorry you weren’t feeling well.

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