The Final Walkthrough & Furniture Finds

Tonight Denis and I did the final walkthrough of the house we’re buying. The poor sellers were in there frantically doing the last minute packing and getting the house cleaned up. Fortunately they looked like they only had another hour or so and they’d be done.

Things I noted this time around:

1) The double ovens are SMALL. Not the “Standard” size at all. I worry that my cookie sheets won’t be able to fit in there! However, having two of them will pay off because we’ll be able to cook multiple things at various temps at the same time.
2) The neighbor’s dog isn’t fenced in and uses the side of the house as his pooping area – right along our property. So when I walk over there I need to remember to do so very carefully.
3) Our driveway can hold four cars. Which will come in handy when we have our white elephant party in December. The neighborhood has a 4-hr limit on how long cars can park on the street, so I’m thinking that Denis and I can park our cars at the clubhouse and let the folks staying with us park in our garage. Then the first four arrivals can park in the driveway, leaving far fewer in need of parking on the street.
4) The cat door IS big enough for Freddie to fit through – we worried about that since he’s pretty fat. But he’ll definitely be able to get into the laundry room to use the litter box.
5) It’s a GREAT house.

In other news, yesterday I bought a sleeper sofa and two accent chairs for the living room. They are going to be LOVELY and I’ve been told the 11″ airmattress on the sofa is great. So I’m looking forward to those. I’m now working on the entertainment center for the new TV that Denis is buying. I’ve narrowed down the one we like, it’s just a matter of finding out the final price at this point. From there all that’s left is the kitchen table set, which we may just get at a place like Value City or Rooms To Go. I’ve decided not to get bedroom stuff for any of the rooms because what we have is fine for now and we can save up and get something next spring.