Guess what CootieBoy is starting this week? Potty-training! Yes, joy of joys, our second child is beginning to use the potty. Denis went out today to buy manly pull-ups for the boy to use. Last night and this morning he successfully sat on the potty and did his thing. Needless to say – Denis and I are thrilled as it will 1) save us some money, and 2) be a lot more convenient to just escort him to the bathroom versus finding a suitable place to lay out all the accoutrements that go hand-in-hand with diapers.
As for CootieGirl, she is pretty much done with the training – she still occasionally has an accident, but they are few and far between (every few weeks?).
Just one more tick in the parenthood box for things I’m grateful to be leaving behind, along with sleepless nights due to crying babies, neverending bottles of formula hogging up space in the fridge, tantrums that I can’t figure out, and spit-up.
Oh, and while we were on vacation CootieBoy slept in his own bed almost every night, not getting up at all in the middle of the night. Our second night home (first after Marmie left)? He was up at 3 a.m. and trying to find Marmie in her room (and freaked when she wasn’t there). But he DID get back into his own bed with few problems (other than requiring that I lay down with him). The second night he was up at 5 a.m. and crawled into bed with us. This morning – same thing. *sigh*
Aw, tell CootieBoy that I miss our snuggle times.