So said Denis to me last night while watching “I Want That!” on HGTV.
I’ve mentioned many times that Denis is an “idea man” and is constantly coming up with all these ideas for inventions that rarely seem truly functional. However, last night HGTV featured an item that Denis HAD pitched to me about a year ago. At the time I just laughed and said there was no way people would actually buy it.
Well, pass me the ketchup because I believe I have to eat my words. I’m dumbfounded that someone actually made it into an actual product since it’s such a stupid idea. I mean, seriously.
Now the invention I saw that I loved was the Puzzle Hardwood Floor – talk about the perfect floor for a kids room or play room. AWESOME idea!
That’s a GREAT idea! Not cause it looks cool, that’s kind of a dumb reason, but because I always hold the phone on my shoulder and find it frustrating that I can’t quite manage that with the slippery little cell phone!
Bev, instead of buying the retro phone handle, just buy a cordless bluetooth headset. No need to hold ANYthing on your shoulder!