That Was Quick!

We only sent in our tax returns a couple weeks ago, and last night we received our Federal tax return in the mail! Denis and I were both a little shocked that it was sent so quickly, and we have high hopes that the North Carolina refund is winging its way to us even as I type.

Sadly, I can’t remember the last two digits of Denis’ SSN, but I have a feeling our rebate checks will be one of the last ones sent out. For one, we asked for paper checks to be sent, since our accountant submitted our returns electronically. For two, I know MY SSN ends with numbers in the highest range – which means the latest payout for rebate checks.

But either way, we’ll be grateful for the money when it comes – we don’t plan on using it to help the economy – we plan on using it to help our family’s economy – namely, building an emergency cash fund.