Okay, so I’m trying to get smilies on the website. This is my first initial test to see if they will work when I post. Here are a few I have added to the site:
:drool: :lh:
:ohmy: :pray:
:sing: :thud: :tmi: :eyebrow:
Okay, let’s see if they work.
Later: YAY! THEY WORK! Now I have to try and get them up for the comments as well. I have about 44 smilies loaded, so it may take me a while.
Laterer: Comments now have smilies. I’m SO 21st Century.
:drama: I’m now testing to see if they work in comments.
And they don’t. :banghead:
Oooh, I may have to do some stealing. You found some great ones!
I love the little cheerleader. Heh.
Looks like they work. :woot:
And now they do work! YAY!:cheer:
Make that :w00t:
Now, do we really need these smiles on this site? This usually marks the begining of the end of a respectable site. Sorry Lenfindel, or whatever your name is Jen.